

My name is Noa, I am 23 years old, and I created Elisha.

Fascinated by visual arts from a young age, I was quickly drawn to the world of fashion. I saw it as an infinite source of beauty, creativity, and self-expression, as well as a reflection of society throughout the ages.

I joined the Parisian school Esmod in 2016 and graduated with a degree in design and pattern-making, specialised in Lingerie. I finished my studies with a Master's degree in Fashion Management at Parsons New York, to expand my knowledge of the business side of fashion.

I then had two options : joining the design team of a fashion house - the more reasonable and comfortable choice - or taking a dizzying risk by launching my own clothing brand. To fully thrive, I need to express my own creativity without limits. So I put my fear aside and embarked on the journey of creating my brand.

The project seemed as exciting as it was challenging: how to make my mark in this gigantic industry? How to express my identity through all these possibilities?

Passionate about the refinement of lingerie, but also about the style and infinite potential of outerwear, I didn't know which path to take.

So, instead of choosing between the two, I decided to create an original concept that combines the best of both worlds. (See the section 'THE STYLE')

The name Elisha seemed perfect to me. It is my brother's name, so I naturally have a link to it, and its sound evokes all the softness I want to convey in my creations.

At the end of 2022, the company Elisha was therefore registered with the Trade and Companies Register, and the adventure truly began.

Being entirely alone in this project, I took on multiple roles, and did almost everything by myself, including :

  • The research process (inspirations, mood board, collection theme)
  • Design and sketches of the pieces
  • Fabric sourcing
  • Pattern making
  • Prototyping (sewing, fittings, and corrections)
  • Photoshoot: artistic direction and photography
  • Website creation
  • Marketing and communication strategies
  • Trademark and design registration

Throughout these stages, I remained focused on my goals: to create clothing that enhances women's beauty while maintaining an ethical and innovative approach for my brand.



My collections pay tribute to femininity, born from my fascination for women's beauty. Lingerie, delicate and sensual, is unparalleled in enhancing their curves.

Aware of the self-confidence that elegant lingerie brings, it seemed a shame to me that it was meant to be hidden under clothing, reserved for intimacy. I created Elisha to blur the boundaries between the public and the intimate, to create a new way of revealing oneself, of daring.

My collections thus borrow the iconic codes of lingerie and blend them with evening wear, designed to be visible to all. I designed corsets and bodysuits, structured with underwire. I also worked with revealing and delicate lingerie materials such as lace, tulle, and satin.

In the Elisha universe, all of the pieces blend together perfectly.

I carefully designed products that work well together: the high-waisted pants follow the cuts of the bodysuits and corsets, and the volumes of the different pieces complement each other to form a harmonious silhouette.

The fabrics in the collection have been carefully selected to coordinate the tops and bottoms, making it easy to mix and match.



Committed to providing my clients with unparalleled quality while maintaining an impeccable work ethic, I personally handcraft all of your garments in my workshop near Paris. This enables me to guarantee 100% French production, under healthy and pleasant working conditions.

Environmental responsibility is also close to my heart. In this regard, I do not keep stock, as your garments are produced on demand (more information in the following section, 'YOUR ORDERS'). I strive to reuse all fabric scraps, and only discard those that are too small or damaged. The collections will be released at a measured pace (one to three per year), and the quality of the garments ensures their longevity, thus avoiding participation in the "Fast Fashion" system.

I have also partnered with like-minded companies for ancillary productions (packaging, garment accessories, etc.). I work with small businesses that prioritise craftsmanship.



As a young entrepreneur, I would be proud to help the fashion industry advancing towards a better model. Currently, most clothing brands estimate the quantities that they will sell and produce them in advance, thus exposing themselves to numerous unsold items and a lot of waste. With Elisha, I aim to optimize production by adjusting quantities to sales.

I have therefore adopted an emerging model, similar to pre-ordering. More specifically, this means that your garment enters production at the workshop only once your order is placed. This system allows for an absence of stock and unsold items. It is also environmentally friendly and leaves room for fair prices: it is not necessary to increase margins to compensate for these supposed unsold items.

This commitment inevitably involves a longer delivery time, related to production time. Delivery times range from 4 to 6 weeks. I remain deeply convinced that in a society geared towards overconsumption, which is developing at an increasingly fast pace, returning to a calmer and more thoughtful way of buying can help us reconsider our relationship with time. I present you a new way of consuming, without compulsion, in consciousness of your purchases.



Until the beginning of the 20th century, clothing production was mainly artisanal and made to measure. Customers brought their own fabrics to tailors who made the garments according to each client's individual measurements and preferences. The garments were often hand-sewn, and the production process was slow and costly.

The ready-to-wear principle became popular during the war, drawing inspiration from standardized military uniforms. It was quickly adopted by the population because they had never had such an easy and quick access to clothing.

Today, however, access to products is no longer an issue, but the fashion world remains largely standardized. This standardization has lost its meaning. With Elisha, it is important to me that you feel comfortable, in clothes that fit you well. I believe that what can fit everyone ultimately fits no one.

That is why I have opted for a system close to "semi-custom," which allows the garment to be better adapted to your body shape. For bodysuits and corsets, you can choose your body size as well as your breast size, for a well-fitted cup. I also offer three height choices for pants, so they are neither too long nor too short.

I try to expand my range of sizes as much as possible. However, if you cannot find what you need, I am also open (as far as possible) to more specific modifications. You can simply send an email to the following address:, and make your request.



I have truly poured my heart into this project.

I hope you will love it, and I can't wait to see what's next.

Welcome to the Elisha universe...